I have a scenario I'd like you to mull over. It's the same type of dichotomous struggle I find myself facing each day as a Christian and as a social worker.
Please understand this scenario is fake does not reflect my actual beliefs one way or the other.
As a women of a certain faith, Jayne firmly believes that homosexuality is sinful. She is therefore, certainly against the legalizing of gay marriage as it would only serve as a societal enabler for sinfulness. Jayne believes God created men and women for marriage and does not think it is morally right for men or marry men or women to marry women. Jayne is also a social worker. She has multiple homosexual clients and shows no discrimination toward them. She has been asked to join with other social workers to D.C. in lobbying for equal rights for the LGBT community. Jayne believes advocacy for equality for all people is not only her job, but her responsibility as a social worker. At the same time, she personally believes homosexual marriage is wrong.
Again, this is a fake scenario to illustrate the dichotomy I constantly feel.
If you were Jayne, what would you do? Which part of you would win in the end? Most issues like this are complicated because they aren't just issues. They are people. Real people that social workers sit face to face with every day. We hear their stories and empathize with their pain. We hand them tissues and hold back our own tears. We make a vow for equality and are expected to uphold it.
I have certain beliefs as a Christian and certain beliefs as a social worker. Sometimes they are the same and sometimes they're at odds. Here's the thing - I do not consider myself Christian social worker. I am both and neither at the same time. It's an awfully confusing place to live.
doesn't mean I check my brains or beliefs at the door when I walk into
church, class, or work. I take all of it with me. Beliefs, logic,
ethics - I wouldn't be authentic without all of it. But when the two are at odds, I am faced with an internal dilemma. As a professional, I adhere to a code of ethics. As a Christian, I assert Scripture as my ultimate authority. Saying I feel constantly pulled in 10,000 different directions would be a vast understatement.
If you ever come to my house and see a few pints of Ben and Jerry's in the freezer, you now know why.
Saving the world isn't as simple as it seems.
Do you come across situations like this, too? Surely this happens outside of the social work arena. How do you handle it?
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